Origin Story

From immigrating to the US from Turkey at a young age of two to becoming a Tennessee native and naturalized US citizen, I've always had a passion for meeting people from different walks of life and learning more from them. 

It was this passion for understanding people that led me to Marketing. During my undergrad at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK), I fell in love with Marketing Research and, as a result, published three peer-reviewed academic papers and an abstract, all in Consumer Behavior. In May 2019, I completed my Bachelor's degree at UTK in Business Administration with a major in Marketing. Soon after, I began working in the industry as a B2B Sales Executive at AT&T in Dallas, Texas. During my time in this position, I realized that most marketers are not able to analyze and use critical insights adequately with data to better their marketing efforts. 

To further improve myself and bridge that gap in Marketing and Data, I decided to begin my Master of Science in Marketing Analytics at the University of Maryland in August 2020. I am now a  Master's graduate equipped with SPSS, R, Tableau, SQL, SAS, and Qualtrics and working as an Associate Brand Strategist at 2U. My specialties lie in Marketing Research, Marketing Strategy, Branding, Data Visualization, Social Media Strategy, and Content Marketing.

With my unique skill set, I want to be known as the marketing liaison who understands the big data world and can bring simple and concise strategies that will help grow your organization's brand.